Wednesday, June 11, 2014

God don't like ugly, but he ain't to fond of pretty neither

As we walk our walk of life, we are faced with those that are beautiful and those that are not so beautiful.  The question is, what is your definition of beautiful?  Do you consider a person with green eyes, blond hair,  cute in the face, thin in the waist, and empty minded beautiful?  Or do you consider the person with hair like whool, ugly in the face, thick in the waist,  but heart and mind pure as snow beautiful?

I think over time we've been mislead.  We look for beauty on the outside,  and forget to feed our insides. What you put in your mouth doesn't make you a beautiful person.  What you let come out does! The bible says" out of the abundance of the heart,  the mouth speaks". If you are constantly hurting someone that loves you, or loving the person that's hurting you. You are an ugly person.

You can't deem yourself more blessed than someone else because you desire things that others don't and receive them. All news ain't good news. Everything you recipient ain't meant for your come up. God gotta take you through some things in order to get you closer to other things. He will give you what you want, if you want it that bad. He never said you'll keep these things though!  God is a jealous God.

Your pretty face won't guarantee you a spot in the kingdom.  Your thin waist won't guarantee you either. What you do for christ will last. That's why the song says" by the way, what have you done for me lately? ". Have you prayed for those that has tried to persecute you? Have you gave a stranger some food that was hungry?  Have you invited someone to your place of worship?  Do you boast and brag about God, as you do that man or woman you love so much?

Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. We're all human and we make mistakes.  That's why I say" God don't like ugly, meaning your ways, your thoughts,  and your reactions. He ain't to fond of pretty neither,  meaning you can know good, but if you're not doing good.  You're just as ugly with your cute self!". Be blessed