Saturday, February 15, 2014

Are you in love, or the thought of being in Love?

Don't listen to society when it tells you that you need a man/woman.  One must make themselves complete before looking for the completion from others.  Do you want a man/woman?  Yes! Do you need a man/woman to be happy? No! When you think of love, you think of staring into your partner's eyes,  and seeing his/her soul. Taking long walks through the park holding hands reminiscing on the old and looking forward to the new.

Why is it that we want to be in love so bad, that we don't realize love is not always going to be beautiful and easy. If you're with someone right now that cooks because you won't,  cleans because you don't,  and loves you even though you don't love them. Then you gotta ask yourself?  Do I love this person? Or do I love the things they do for me?. If you have no physical,  mental, or emotional attraction to the person and all you can think about is " what they do for you" You are not in love,  you are in love with the thought of being in love.

It's not a must to be in a relationship,  marriage,  or friendship.  A person should never be credible by what he/she does.  You should look for  credibility in how they do it. Everyone isn't meant to be in Love. You can love a person and not like them, just as well as like them but not love them. Most people spend their lives living a lie,  simply because they like what love looks like. If you can't with stand that person who does so much for you, when they're not doing it. Then you're not in love. You're in love with the THOUGHT of being in love!

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